Inherits from SCAbstractItemsBrowser : NSObject
Conforms to SCAbstractItemsBrowserSubclassing
Declared in SCItemListBrowser.h


The SCItemListBrowser class is responsible for displaying items hierarchy in the UITableView object provided by the user. It is a controller in terms of the MVC pattern. The items hierarchy is read-only so the user cannot edit content using this control.

Once initialized, it should be possible to

  • reloadData
  • forceRefreshData
  • navigateToRootItem

SCItemListBrowser takes the control over both UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource events. The user should not set them directly. It does not support some UITableView features.

  • Multiple cells selection
  • Cells editing
  • Animated insertion or deletion
  • Accessory views

It is not possible to modify its properties once initialized. If you need to change the root item or api session, a new controller must be created.


Other Methods

  •   tableView

    A table view to display items. The SCItemListBrowser controller will become both a delegate and a datasource for it. It can be set from the Interface Builder.

  •   listModeTheme

    A theme class that responds to UITableViewDelegate methods.
    It can be set from the Interface Builder.

  •   listModeCellBuilder

    A factory that constructs new cells and provides reuse identifiers. It should not invoke [UITableViewDataSource tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:] explicitly since SCItemListBrowser will do it behind the scenes.
    It can be set from the Interface Builder.


Other Methods

  • – reloadContentView

    This method is triggered by the SCAbstractItemsBrowser each time contents of a given level are successfully loaded. Your implementation must call reloadData method of the content view you are using.



A factory that constructs new cells and provides reuse identifiers. It should not invoke [UITableViewDataSource tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:] explicitly since SCItemListBrowser will do it behind the scenes.
It can be set from the Interface Builder.

@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet id<SIBListModeCellFactory> listModeCellBuilder

Declared In



A theme class that responds to UITableViewDelegate methods.
It can be set from the Interface Builder.

@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet id<SIBListModeAppearance> listModeTheme

Declared In



A table view to display items. The SCItemListBrowser controller will become both a delegate and a datasource for it. It can be set from the Interface Builder.

@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView

Declared In


Instance Methods


This method is triggered by the SCAbstractItemsBrowser each time contents of a given level are successfully loaded. Your implementation must call reloadData method of the content view you are using.

- (void)reloadContentView


Note : content view should be reloaded both on level down and level up events.

Declared In
