Namespace Sitecore.AspNetCore.SDK.LayoutService.Client.Response.Model
- Component
Represents component information for a Sitecore layout service response.
- Context
Represents the context of a Sitecore layout response.
- EditableChrome
Represents chrome information for a Sitecore layout service response.
- EditableField<TValue>
Represents an arbitrary field in a Sitecore layout service response that contains a value that can be edited.
- FieldReader
Implements reading of a Field as a specified type.
- Field<TValue>
Represents an arbitrary field in a Sitecore layout service response that contains a value.
- FieldsReader
Implements reading of a collection of fields as a specified type.
- Placeholder
Represents the placeholder feature collection for a Sitecore layout service response.
- PlaceholderExtensions
Extension methods for Placeholder.
- Route
Represents the route information of a Sitecore layout service response.
- Site
Represents site data of a Sitecore layout service response.
- SitecoreData
Represents the root Sitecore result object returned in a Sitecore layout service response.
- WrappedEditableField<TValue>
Represents an arbitrary field in a Sitecore layout service response that contains a value that can be edited using wrapped HTML markup.
- IEditableField
Exposes HTML markup values for an editable IField.
- IField
Marker interface to identify Field types.
- IFieldReader
Supports delayed reading of an IField.
- IFieldsReader
Exposes a collection of IFieldReader.
- IPlaceholderFeature
Marker interface for Sitecore layout components and chromes.
- IValueField<TValue>
Exposes a Value property on an IField.
- IWrappedEditableField
Exposes HTML markup values for an editable IField that has wrapping editable markup.