Inherits from SCBaseItemRequest : NSObject
Conforms to NSCopying
Declared in SCReadItemsRequest.h


The SCReadItemsRequest contains the set of params for the requested items from the backend.
It used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method. All other loaders based on this method.




The set of the field’s names which will be read with each item. Each field’s name in the set should be a string.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSSet *fieldNames


The set of the field’s names which will be read with each item. Each field’s name in the set should be a string.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field

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Additional request flags:

@property (nonatomic) SCReadItemRequestFlags flags


Additional request flags:

  • SCReadItemRequestIngnoreCache - means that the request will ignore loaded items, and the request to backend will be performed.

  • SCReadItemRequestReadFieldsValues - for each field specified in fieldNames set - [SCField fieldValue] will be loaded before you’ve got a result with the items.

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The life time in cache after which object in cache becames old

@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval lifeTimeInCache


The life time in cache after which object in cache becames old

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The number of paged, used only if [SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is specified. Indexing starts from zero.

@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger page


The number of paged, used only if [SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is specified. Indexing starts from zero.

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The page size of items, used for paged items loading. For example if you need to read only a second item for the given request, specify [SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] as 1 and [SCReadItemsRequest page] is 1.

@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger pageSize


The page size of items, used for paged items loading. For example if you need to read only a second item for the given request, specify [SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] as 1 and [SCReadItemsRequest page] is 1.

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Request string of the items.
Has a different meaning depends on [SCReadItemsRequest requestType]

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *request


Request string of the items.
Has a different meaning depends on [SCReadItemsRequest requestType]

If [SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is

  • SCReadItemRequestItemId - request is the item’s id, example: “{C3713481-AF86-4E33-9BE9-D53EFE03E518}”

  • SCReadItemRequestItemPath - request is the item’s path, example: “/sitecore/content”

  • SCReadItemRequestQuery - request is the Sitecore query, example: “/sitecore/content/nicam/child::*[@@templatename=‘Site Section’]”

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Specifies the type of [SCReadItemsRequest request] option, see [SCReadItemsRequest request] for details.
If [SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is a SCReadItemRequestQuery, it is a similar to [SCReadItemsRequest flags] is setted to SCReadItemRequestIngnoreCache.

@property (nonatomic) SCReadItemRequestType requestType


Specifies the type of [SCReadItemsRequest request] option, see [SCReadItemsRequest request] for details.
If [SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is a SCReadItemRequestQuery, it is a similar to [SCReadItemsRequest flags] is setted to SCReadItemRequestIngnoreCache.

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Specifies the set of the items which will be loaded.
Possible values are: SCReadItemSelfScope (self), SCReadItemParentScope (parent) and SCReadItemChildrenScope (children). By default, self is used.
The order of the result items will be: first is the parent item, then the self item and the children items at last.
This argument is ignored when [SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is SCReadItemRequestQuery

@property (nonatomic) SCReadItemScopeType scope


Specifies the set of the items which will be loaded.
Possible values are: SCReadItemSelfScope (self), SCReadItemParentScope (parent) and SCReadItemChildrenScope (children). By default, self is used.
The order of the result items will be: first is the parent item, then the self item and the children items at last.
This argument is ignored when [SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is SCReadItemRequestQuery

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Class Methods


This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

+ (id)requestWithItemId:(NSString *)itemId



system item’s id, [SCItem itemId] can be used.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field

Return Value

SCReadItemsRequest object, used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method.


This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

[SCReadItemsRequest scope] is equal to SCReadItemSelfScope

[SCReadItemsRequest request] is equal to itemId argument

[SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is equal to SCReadItemRequestItemId

[SCReadItemsRequest fieldNames] is equal to empty set

[SCReadItemsRequest flags] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest page] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is equal to zero

Declared In



This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

+ (id)requestWithItemId:(NSString *)itemId fieldsNames:(NSSet *)fieldNames



system item’s id, [SCItem itemId] can be used.


The set of the field’s names which will be read with each item. Each field’s name in set should be a string.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field

Return Value

SCReadItemsRequest object, used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method.


This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

[SCReadItemsRequest scope] is equal to SCReadItemSelfScope

[SCReadItemsRequest request] is equal to itemId argument

[SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is equal to SCReadItemRequestItemId

[SCReadItemsRequest fieldNames] is equal to fieldNames argument

[SCReadItemsRequest flags] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest page] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is equal to zero

Declared In



This method is usefull for loading items with [SCReadItemsRequest scope] by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

+ (id)requestWithItemId:(NSString *)itemId fieldsNames:(NSSet *)fieldNames scope:(SCReadItemScopeType)scope



system item’s id, [SCItem itemId] can be used.


The set of the field’s names which will be read with each item. Each field’s name in set should be a string.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field


Specifies the set of the items which will be loaded. See [SCReadItemsRequest scope] for details

Return Value

SCReadItemsRequest object, used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method.


This method is usefull for loading items with [SCReadItemsRequest scope] by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

[SCReadItemsRequest scope] is equal to scope argument

[SCReadItemsRequest request] is equal to itemId argument

[SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is equal to SCReadItemRequestItemId

[SCReadItemsRequest fieldNames] is equal to fieldNames argument

[SCReadItemsRequest flags] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest page] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is equal to zero

Declared In



This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

+ (id)requestWithItemPath:(NSString *)itemPath



system item’s path, [SCItem path] or string like “/sitecore/content” for example can be used.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field

Return Value

SCReadItemsRequest object, used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method.


This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s id.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

[SCReadItemsRequest scope] is equal to SCReadItemSelfScope

[SCReadItemsRequest request] is equal to itemPath argument

[SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is equal to SCReadItemRequestItemId

[SCReadItemsRequest fieldNames] is equal to empty set

[SCReadItemsRequest flags] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest page] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is equal to zero

Declared In



This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s path.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

+ (id)requestWithItemPath:(NSString *)itemPath fieldsNames:(NSSet *)fieldNames



system item’s path, [SCItem path] or string like “/sitecore/content” for example can be used.


The set of the field’s names which will be read with each item. Each field’s name in set should be a string.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field

Return Value

SCReadItemsRequest object, used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method.


This method is usefull for loading one item by the item’s path.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

[SCReadItemsRequest scope] is equal to SCReadItemSelfScope

[SCReadItemsRequest request] is equal to itemPath argument

[SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is equal to SCReadItemRequestItemPath

[SCReadItemsRequest fieldNames] is equal to fieldNames argument

[SCReadItemsRequest flags] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest page] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is equal to zero

Declared In



This method is usefull for loading items with [SCReadItemsRequest scope] by the item’s path.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

+ (id)requestWithItemPath:(NSString *)itemPath fieldsNames:(NSSet *)fieldNames scope:(SCReadItemScopeType)scope



system item’s path, [SCItem path] or string like “/sitecore/content” for example can be used.


The set of the field’s names which will be read with each item. Each field’s name in set should be a string.
For reading all fields - pass nil or pass empty set if you don’t need to read any field


Specifies the set of the items which will be loaded. See [SCReadItemsRequest scope] for details

Return Value

SCReadItemsRequest object, used for [SCApiSession readItemsOperationWithRequest:] method.


This method is usefull for loading items with [SCReadItemsRequest scope] by the item’s path.
Creates SCReadItemsRequest object with following fields:

[SCReadItemsRequest scope] is equal to scope argument

[SCReadItemsRequest request] is equal to itemPath argument

[SCReadItemsRequest requestType] is equal to SCReadItemRequestItemPath

[SCReadItemsRequest fieldNames] is equal to fieldNames argument

[SCReadItemsRequest flags] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest page] is equal to zero

[SCReadItemsRequest pageSize] is equal to zero

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